Why is a
flow control valve
required in various systems?
Many of us are not familiar with flow control valves; even its importance and uses are unknown to us. They are used in limiting and regulating the flow of liquids, gases, or a mixture of both. And in its basic form, a flow control valve features an aperture that can be adjusted and manually opened or closed when necessary.
There are a number of types of flow control valves. There are those that consist of an inner ball that is attached to the handle and operated manually, while some use optimised orifices that automatically limit the fluid flow precisely in either a pressure dependent or independent configuration.
Why is a flow control valve needed?
When putting up an HVAC system, it usually requires a precise amount of constant flow for it to properly size piping, pumps, and other necessary accessories. If the flow control valves are placed improperly, there will be fluctuations in the pressure systems. To avoid this from deviating from the design flow, the flow control valve should be constant. It is best to determine the type and/or size of pump needed by adding all of the valves in the system, which in turn will help with the calculations.
Flow control valves are widely being used in many industries and applications such as in industrial HVAC systems, irrigation systems, kitchen, bathrooms, even in different military branches. But, flow control valves are unequally manufactured, which means they come in different designs to suit the systems they support.
Not only can the efficient control valves do their functions effectively, but they can also eliminate oscillation, feedback, vibration, and noise. It is specially designed so as to prevent clogging and nothing can be flushed back.
If you wish to learn more about how a flow control valve works in different industries, contact us at Master Mac 2000.
July 14, 2017July 14, 2017
Control valve is used to regulate the fluid flow by changing its size or course as directed by the signal from a controller. It helps in directly controlling the flow rate and thus helps in regulating the other vital processes quantities such as temperature, liquid level/flow, and pressure. It is also refereed as ‘final control element’ in automatic control terminology.
In other words, control valve is used to control the flow, pressure, liquid level, and temperature of the system by completely or partially opening or closing it based on the signals received by the controllers. The electric, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators automatically controls the opening and closing of the control valve while the positioners control the closing and opening of these actuators.
The process plant comprises of numerous control loops in order to deliver consistent quality products. These control loops have a set pressure, temperature, flow, level in order to maintain the required operating range. Each of these control loops experience internal disturbance and these disturbances are measured by sensors and transmitters. The information collected is then processed by the controllers to decide what should be done to rectify these load disturbances. Once the data collected is analyzed, measured, compared and calculated then a controlling element is implemented. This is where the control valve comes into the picture and work to reduce these disturbances.
Thus, the control valve working principle revolves around the manipulation of the flowing fluids such as water, gas, steam or chemical compounds to ensure minimizing the load disturbance and regulating the process variable to the closest value of the desired set point.
On the basis of stem movement, valves can be broadly classified as linear or rotary type. Furthermore, based on the types of services it offers, it can be classified as:
For ON-OFF Services – Gate, Diaphragm Ball, Plug, Butterfly valves.
For THROTTLING Services – Globe, Diaphragm, Butterfly, Pinch
For NON-REVERSE FLOW – Check valves
Gate valve comprises of flat barrier which is adjusted to effect the area of flow. It is best suited to regulate the high temperature and pressure for variety of liquid flow and has an on-off application. This design or body is used for the valves that manages the automatic emergency shut off and also for the hand-operated valves.
Globe valve is used for throttling purpose and the term ‘globe’ implies to the exterior shape of the valve. The globe valves have a stem that adjusts itself linearly in up-down motion in order to change the position of the plug. It has a short stem travel with high seating capability and large pressure drop and high flow controllability.
Plug valve comprises of plug, body, and cover and is used for on-off services basically in refinery, chemical industry, and petrochemical. Normally small in size, require less headroom and available in wide range of materials. They provide tight shut off, quick opening and low pressure drop
Ball valve is used to control pressure and flow of the corrosive fluids, normal liquids and gasses and also of slurries. It also regulates high temperature and pressure.
Diaphragm valve is used for corrosive fluids under low temperature and pressure conditions. The diaphragm valve varies the resistance to flow by deforming one surface by the force from the valve stem.
For more information on various control valves specifically required for your industrial plants / business, Contact Flowspec and we will be happy to answer your questions and give you all the details you need.