What is the average children's book?

25 Mar.,2024


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What Are Your Readers’ Needs?

Back to my intended audience: these guys had never read a full-length novel, so the challenge was to figure out a way to trick them into doing so. As I knew that the first thing they would do was to look at the length of the book — i.e. how many pages — it was important for them to see that it wasn’t long and that the short chapters would be manageable. A colleague of mine who writes reviews on novels for major publishing companies (and who was also a high school English teacher) suggested that I focus on intensity and anticipation, and do it quickly.

As it turned out, this was great advice, and it brought me back to many years spent reading series like The Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, and Nancy Drew as a youngster. (Yes, I read all of Nancy Drew!) The formulaic element of short, quick-paced chapters with increasing intrigue, danger, and suspense turned me into an avid reader at a very young age. As my colleague suggested, the chapters were short, intense, and always left me wanting to read the next one.

Now, though this formula-derived technique worked well for me in the arena of children’s books, I have found the writing of my first full-length novel to be a vastly different experience.

As I write the draft of my first novel for adults, I am discovering that the length of the novel will absolutely be influenced by the writing itself. My writing process is similar (including a rough plan that provides for plot, characters, story arc, etc.) but I have found that I have not given a lot of thought to the length of it in the draft process. That’s because my intended audience is adult, proficient readers. I’m allowing myself to let the story unfold and concern myself with the length of it once I see where it ends up. I will attempt to keep it within industry standard guidelines after I’ve written the best and most compelling story I can.

What’s the Industry Standard in Your Genre?

While the perspective I’ve offered above is my own personal approach, there’s a more mechanical component to book length all writers can (and should) consider as well: industry standards.

Like the Hardy Boys books and my upcoming adult novel, readers of certain genres have expectations when it comes to book length. These standard word counts are signposts that you can (and should) use as a guide. The word count of your completed manuscript shouldn’t stray too far from the “sweet spot” that is often based on a book’s genre, which in turn is determined by your target audience: a book that’s not too short, but not too long, either. This is one of those few instances when you want your book to look like the others surrounding it on the shelf.

And in terms of economics, the traditional publishing industry dictates that shorter novels are often more marketable, whereas longer novels are more expensive to print.

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What is the average children's book?

Literary Rambles: Word Counts for Children's Books

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